Thursday, October 5, 2017

                The Six Attitudes of High Achievers 

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                                             John R. Noe
                                                  Make No Small Plans 
 If you want to be a person with an attitude of a high achiever you must not make small plans. Go big make your ideas as big as you can think. Although the bigger ideas you the harder they will be, the outcome of that big plan will always be better than an outcome of a small plan. Having a harder plan will be more of an achievement that if your were to think of a smaller plan.

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                                                    Do what they fear
 If you don't want be fear do something good and do not be frightened not fight with other people do not fear what they fear and  act like a  responsible people you can get what you want if you are a fear ,but  there are some people that  fear what they do not understand. There are sometimes that we have a person that we love but then the things with her or with him not function and the relationship broke but we still love that persons and we are fear that we need to be together with that person that we love but her or him not want to be with him/her and the thing that are we doing is to be fear because we want that person our life . But there are others ways that we are fear for example we are If we not get something we are fear to get that thing but sometimes its not good to be fear with that thing

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                     High Achievers are willing to prepare 

If people have a goal they would like to achievers when they get older, they will make a plan and prepare for it. For everyone that wants to be successful with their future, they will have a prepare on how to accomplish that goal. For example you must know what you will be doing high school to get the grades, what collage you are going to, how long do you plan on staying there. The future starts when you accomplish all you studies and finish you carrier that you do in the collage. No high achiever reached success overnight. Masters of anything understand the need to prepare to get better. High achievers understand the need for an organization to prepare each and every day to execute on their vision.
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                              High Achievers are willing to risk failure

High achievers are willing to risk failure. Everyone in there life will win and lose. We have to learn not to let the failure part get in the way. If we fail and let the failure get into our head, then we won't succeed in life. Every one must know to learn from your mistakes. Let that lesson teach you how to be better for future businesses or anything in your life. If you fall get back up again and do it again. Never give up if you don't try something new in your life because you are afraid of failure, then how will you get anything done. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. He was fighting for the equality and freedom of all backs.
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                                           High Achievers are teachable

High achievers are teachable. They are willing to understand the assignment and  help other kids that need help and don't get what they have to do. They aren't afraid to get out thee and make new friends.They able to go in front of the classroom and teach the whole class if they were able to. They have the ability to learn and then after they get it, they can go and teach their classmates or parents etc. They can tell the whole wide world the new things that they learned in school. For example in 1st grade when the teacher is teaching the kids to count from 0-10. If the teacher sees that one student know the method on how to get their then she and or he will send the kid to help another classmate that is struggling with the math. That's someone who is teachable.

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                               High Achievers Have Heart 
 High achievers have a heart. No matter what problems, they might be going through, they still manage to keep a smile on their face. They always want to help when someone isn't feeling good or they are feeling sad. A person who has heart shows sympathy. For example is when you give up too easy on anything. No will. You got to put your heart into it. It means that, and so much more. Also it means you care about others, you are not racist, you feel for others and you try your best to have a good heart with all the people. You put the best foot forward.
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