Monday, January 22, 2018

Freelance Post

                          Freelance Post

This past Friday I went to the movies with some of my friends and with my brother and it was so funny and cool because we watch a scared movie and some of my brother friends's was so scared because it was his first time watching a scared movie and it was so funny. Then when the movie finished we went to Starbucks. The next day also was good because I went to buy some  things for my sister party with my mom. Then when we finish to buy that things we went to eat. Then on Sunday I went to my brother's game and also I went to the church. And That's all I do in this past Weekend.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

School Break Days

                             School Break Days

During my winter break I do a little bit  things. I went to my cousin  house and we watched scared movies. I went with my family to eat. Also we went to my aunt house to help her cook the food for new year and also put some decorations in the house. We eat that day tamales and pozole and my others aunt's bring some other food. The next day I went to my friend's house we watched a movie then when the movie finished  we went to her sister house and we eat then we went to the mall. Then I went to a party with my friends and then we have sleepover in the house of some of my friends. And that's all I do in my winter break.

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Class evaluation

                                    Class Evaluation 1. The things that I like about this class is that we write about our goals, w...