Monday, September 25, 2017


                                                 Health Care Careers

  • Diagnostic Radiographer: They check the people radiographer if they don't have something inside of them. 
  • Physiotherapist: They help people that have problems to walk.
  • Speech Therapist: They help people that have problems to speak and learn.
  • Occupational Therapist: They help the people how to dress for herself when they not have other part of her body like there hand.
  • Dietitian: They need to check that the people eat health if they have problems to eat.

Summarize: All this healthcare careers are very helpful because when we have problems in our health we can go to a specific healthcare and attend with them and they are going to major our health

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

9 Ways

             9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life

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                                                                     Gordon B. Hinckley

   The new way is something that all the persons do for example this new macro region is testing out the new way of working. If you can do something like have a conversation with a person who have a brilliant mind is a new way of  making love. This person do much thongs for make a new way and he also make his life happy. 

Be Grateful: 
Be grateful For small things, big things and everything in between. count your blessings,not your problems. We always need to be grateful to the people who support us . Also to those who open their door to their homes, especially grateful to the people who give us a job when we comes to this country and we don't have documents. also to that people who live in U.S.A and not have a job.and that's why we always have to be grateful. 

Imagen relacionada

  Be Smart:
You can be smart in much things. One of the things that you are smart is in the school because you need to thing and study for test or for projects. Also in the work you need to be smart. You need to be smart in the work because if you work in the store you need to be smart for count the money. You can be smart for others much things like other examples or others things that you are smart. It is important than you use and put your knowledge to great use in your life. you can do this by making smart and intelligent decisions. Your knowledge can help you figure out certain problmes and can also you become a better peroson and also be smart .

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Be Involved: we need to be involved in many things, such as in our community, supporting the people who clean the city. Begin involved can be in  good and bad because we can be involved in good things like went to conferences in the school or in our job but  there are people who are involved in bad things like in drugs or in pantillas that are involved in stealing in homes, stores ect.

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Be Clean:  This means that you need to be clean in different things, for example take care about the environment, put the trash in the trashcan when you are outside, other example is that you need to wash your hands when you are going to ate this means that you are clean. Also clean your house is important, take a shower all the days is other thing to be clean. don't put the same socks or dress is other thing to be clean. Some others reason for be clean is always have your personality things that we use. we need to take a shower all the time.
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Be True:  This means that we need to be true in different ways . One way is to saying the true st some person ,we always need to be sincerely because if we don't  say the true probability we can have problems. For example we can cause problems with our job or with the family because we don;t say the true. Sometimes things are too good to be true. If you want that other person telling you the true you had to be true. If you said the true always you are going to have good things like a good job also you always are going to be good with your family and friends.  Also we are not perfect in some things but all the thing that we need to do is be true. Be true with yourself.

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Be Positive:  Positive means that you need to have a good attitude with the people. If you had a bad day in you school or work you don't need to be mad with the people that talk  to you or asked something you need to be positive all the time. For example there are people that had a bad day's and they sate in the way negative and don;t change his attitude. We need to be positive all the time because if we are positive, we can have a good opportunity in the jobs or in other things that why we need to be positive and not be negative. If you are positive you are going to have a good life but if not probability you can have problems in your life. Think positive and be positive all the time. This depends how are going to be our life.

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Be Humble Be humble all the time with the persons. If you are humble people are going to talk good of you, but if we not humble people are going to talk bad about you. There are people that only because they have a lot of money or they are famous they feel more superior that other people. If  we have a lot of money we need to be humble because i think that in the past our parents not have a lot of money. Also because we need to following the steps that our parents did they are humble all the time and we need to do that too be humble.  Also not matter if we not know all  the people we need to be humble with all the person in this world.

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Be Still:  Be still means that we need to be I'm silent  and we are going  to know that we are good. If we be still probability will be surprise you the guided life.  There is still too much suspicion, too many hard feelings too this world. we must be still  in many things for example if we get anger with a person we should be calm to not cause a big problem in which there are cases that for not be still they don't thing and kill that person for don't state still.

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I think that all this 9 ways that i did is an examples about our life. We need to live our life be positive all the time and not have a negative attitude if we have a positive attitude we can have more opportunities in the life. We need to follow this 9 ways for our life be good and also have a happy life. We need to be clean all the time, be smart and the i think the most important is be humble with all the people in this world.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

9/11 Attacks Post

                          9/11 Attacks Post 

This attack went in September 11 2001, 2 planets attack the twin towers 

Friday, September 8, 2017

                           David Geffen School of  Medicine at UCLA   
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                                           Location:10833 Le Conte Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095

The students need to have good grades in biology certainly help. They need to have complete undergraduate studies, medical school requires one year of  English writing composition and one year of physics and general biology. Students also need to have two years of organic and inorganic chemistry.  Also the most important receive a noticed by the admission committee at UCLA's  David Geffen School of Medicine  may mean learning Spanish and spreadsheet design or doing A volunteer in the hospitals. 

Tuition: $55.177 the first year (10 months)

The mission of the medical education program of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is to prepare graduates for distinguished careers in clinical practice, teaching, research, and public service. Recognizing that medical school is but one phase in a physician's education, the faculty has worked to create an environment where students prepare for a future in which scientific knowledge, societal values, and human needs are ever changing. To meet this challenge, our graduates have the skills to provide quality care for their patients, to contribute to the growth of scientific knowledge, and to continue learning throughout their careers.

Physics and Biology in Medicine Ms, PhD                 

Reflection: Yes I would like to attend here because its a good school and they teaching  you a lot of things and also because I want to be a doctor of  dentist and I would like to graduated in this school.
I think this school give you much opportunity. 

Class evaluation

                                    Class Evaluation 1. The things that I like about this class is that we write about our goals, w...