Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Class evaluation

                                    Class Evaluation

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1. The things that I like about this class is that we write about our goals, we learned how to create a scratch and also that he give us much time to finish out classwork. 

2. The things that I don't like about this class is that we do not have much free time.

3. I think the recommendations for improving this class is to keep writing our goals and give us like 7 min of free time.

4. Yes I always read my life planing goals because I like to always member the things that i want to do and do it.

5. Yes I committed to being a CTR person because I learn that we always need to do good things to have a good life and have more opportunities in our life.

6.  I learn from this class that we need to be a nice person and also follow all your goals that you have in your mind. 

7. The thing that I always going to remember about this class is to be a good person and if fall in something never give up 

                                       The Psychology of Winning 
                                                                    Denis Waitley

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Quality 1: Positive Self- Expectancy ''Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."

Positive Self- Expectancy is the most identifiable of a top  achieving and winning human being, it is also pure and simple optimism, real enthusiasm for everything you do. This means being positive all the time, every single day, If you are positive person you will get more than what you are expecting, because you are doing the best. Confidence is also quality that is related to this quality, a winner always expects to win even if the situation is tough because he/ she is confidence. and has a positive mind. 

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Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation
 'True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill"

Motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals in life, feel more fulfilled and improve overall quality life. A person without motivation has no purpose in life, because motivation is what leads you to accomplish your goals that is why we all should be optimistic. In order to maintain optimistic outlook, set mental and emotional boundaries we need to avoid negative thoughts. When negative or self-defeating thoughts enter your mind, move them out quickly and that way you will always maintain an optimistic mind.

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Quality 3: Positive self-Image 
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable 
human beings.

Positive self-Image is how you perceive yourself, conversely others you have a difficult life and multiple hardships may also have a very positive self-Image. When you think about yourself, the feeling and images that come up are really important because a healthy body image means that you see yourself the way you really and what you feel good in your own skin. Self- image also involves how you feel about strengths, weaknesses and abilities. The way you perceive yourself defines you as a person, because the thoughts you have about yourself can make you increase or decrease your confidence. When you love yourself, there is never going to be anything that will make you change the way you see yourself, and perhaps there will be people who will want to bring you down but your confidence about yourself will never change.
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Quality 4: Positive self-Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going.  Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parents or friends.

Positive self direction is the action plan that all winners in life use to turn imagination into reality. All the winners know where they are going, this means that the winners do right things. The secret to positive self- direction is in establishing clearly The secret to positive self- direction is in establishing clearly defined goals and then writing them down so you can remember them all the time, this also will help you to see if you have achieved this goal or if your goal is in process. Having a direction will help you have motivation in your life, for example if you are trying to get a new skill, do not give up and remember what's your direction, remember where're you going and why you started it. Tue winners 

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Quality 5: Positive self-Control 
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.

Self- control is the quality to manage your actions, feeling and emotions. This also means delaying short term gratification in favor of long term outcomes. Self - control involves resisting temptations and habits under undermine self control. For instance, if you really desire to be healthier in your life because that is one of your goals, the requirement is that  you have to change some habits that you have when it comes to eating, you should develop this manner, self control because this manner will be really helpful for you. Sometimes it could be really hard to develop this quality because we all have to be conscious that applying this quality will lead us to achieve our goals. Self control must be part of our life, because resisting temptations and control our temper and actions will bring us many outcomes to our life. That's why this psychology winner is important.

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Quality 6: Positive self-Discipline

You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.
Self- Discipline is a pattern of behavior where you choose to do what you know you should do, instead of doing what you want to do. This also includes having the personal initiative to get started something and not wasting your time doing things that are not going to give you good results. For example if you want to be healthier and have a better lifestyle, in order to accomplish your goal you have to put a lot of effort, do exercise in the morning or in the afternoon and that it will help you a lot. 

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Quality 7: Positive Self-Esteem
Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.

Positive self- esteem means having confidence in one's own abilities and worth. A person with high self-esteem will always be confident in herself/himself because he or she knows how to recognize that there are many ways to continue and develop. This quality is really important because it will always help us to get good outcomes as well as succeeding in life. 
Total winners are positive, and powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe. Winners are always positive, and motivated that is why they are always winning because they believe in themselves and in their skills and abilities, when you are confident in yourself you do not let your fears get in your way, and you accept new challenges that life brings you. Self- esteem is a quality that everyone must apply, for example if you do not how to solve math problems and you are failing math class, just try try and try, seek for help and be confident in yourself that one day you will able to accomplish what you desire, "a good grade in math class". If you say "I can't" you will never be able to do what you want because you are keeping your mind in a negative status, there are many strategies and methods you can apply in order to achieve what you want. 
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Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension
Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.

Self- dimension takes the Psychology of Winning beyond the self and into the universe. This means that total winners live in the present, allowing the universe to work in the future. Sometimes we care about the present or we live always remembering the mistakes we made in the past and we forget to enjoy and work in the present time. It is fine if you are always remembering good things that you past left in your life, but remember that there is a future but in order to have a good future you must be focused on your present. Give your best right now, at this present time, work hard and do not wait until the end because if you do not work hard this present time, how are you going to have good outcomes in your future? just handle the stuff is going on today, do not care about your past but do not worry about your future because you are the only one who chooses the future you want to have.

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Quality 9:  Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.

Self- Awareness is a conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings and desires. It also allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your behavior. Total winners are aware of their power, they understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination, this means that total winners are aware of everything, how they behave, and what are their reactions in difficulties. Self- awareness will help you to create an opportunity to make changes in your behavior and beliefs. If you are aware of how you act in hard times, but you dislike that attitude you have, you must develop self-awareness and you can be sure this change in metal state will alter  your emotions and increase your emotional intelligence which is important for you in order to achieve overall success. Becoming self-aware is an early step in the creation of the life that you want. It helps you pinpoint what your passions and emotions are, and how your personality can help you in life. Apply this quality, and take some time to think about yourself, think about how other perceive you and what can you do to change that impression they have of you. Once you are aware of your thoughts, emotions and behavior you will be able to make changes in the direction of your future.

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Quality 10: Positive Action

Total winners take a positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other

Positive action it is when you do something good, for example help a old women cross the street, give money at the people that live in the streets ect. This are a positive actions that a person can do. Also positive actions and thinking positive can be a good  success combined. Another reasons that you can do for do positive actions it is i think positive because if you think negative you are not going to accomplish the goals that you have in your mind. Also if you think like that , you are going to said that is impossible do something like for example read one page fast in 1 min or something like that if you have a negative thinking. That's why we need to always have a positive thinking and a positive action. If we do positive actions we always are going to have a good things. Be a good person and if we need to help someone do it.
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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

                                Ten Tips for Being more Truthful
                                                                 Barbara A.Lewis
Wife, mother, religious worker, national award-winning author and educator  

1- Make a commitment to tell the truth
2- Tell someone about your commitment
3- Think before you give a dishonest, answer, explanation, sarcasm or reason
4- Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, and irony
5- Be careful, not to twist the truth or leave out part of it
6- Don't indulge in little white lies
7- Watch out for silent lies
8- When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse
9- Talk to yourself
10- Treat yourself when you say the truth 

These ten tips for being more truthful will make you have many benefits in your life, because they show us how to be true to yourself, and how to be less liar, a lie will always be a lie no matter how smallest it is. Currently I am applying the third tip for being more truthful. 
"Think before you give a dishonest, answer, explanation, sarcasm or reason" this tip is going to help me to be a better person and as well as thinking before to say something. 
I will incorporate these ten tips into my life planning goals journal by writing them down as goals in my life that will help to grow as a better and person and human being. 

                                            The Pyramid of Success

                                                                     John Wooden
                                                                     25 Blocks

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Block 1: Industriousness "There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."

Resultado de imagen para industriousnessEach of this blocks are very important in our life we need to work more better and be success with all this blocks. This blocks show us much things in our life for example the block that says that the confidence that is saying that we need to be respectful with all the people and make a confiance with all the people actually with your family.

Block 2:  Enthusiasm ''It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I choose industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of success. It is 
where everything begins." 

Resultado de imagen para enthusiasmEnthusiasm It is also the most important success in the Pyramid because we can learn that we can have much Enthusiasm when we do something new for example like the first time of school some of  Students  have that enthusiasm to go to the school.  There are many things that we can get Enthusiasm . When you are enthusiasm you have more motivation and creativity to now or do something . The Enthusiasm is also something to carry you over obstacles adds significance to all you do. Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string. Enthusiasm is also the key to success any undertaking. 

Block 3: Friendship ''Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

Resultado de imagen para friendshipFriendship it is also important in our life because we all have a friendship with someone and it is important because we all have to be respect with all the persons also be kind with the people but doing all this it ts a effort that we do all the days. Be kind with the people it make  you a good person and also if you have respect. The two qualities of friendship that are so important are respect and camaraderie. To me these are the most noteworthy characteristics of true friendship as it pertains to leadership. Think how much you'll give when asked to do so by someone you respect and with whom you share camaraderie. You will give plenty, all you've got. Thus, I sought and valued these two particular qualities of friendship in my relationship with individuals on the UCLA men's basketball team. I did not seek their affection nor wish to become buddies. Mutual respect and camaraderie strengthen your team. 
 Affection, in fact, may weaken it by tempting you to play favorites.Where Friendship exists you will find the makings of a formidable organization. 

Block 4: loyalty "To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect".

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Loyalty is about people who stay true to you behind your back. This means that if someone are down you are down too. whether you are wrong or right but they will tell you when you are wrong and help you to get right.  Also loyalty its no easy to find out but if you find it keep it. If  you are in bad terms you shouldn't change your loyalty. Most people, the overwhelming majority of us. wish to be in an organization or part of a team whose leadership cares about them, provides faimess and respect, dignity and consideration. Loyalty from the top inspires loyalty from below. It is a most precious and powerful commodity and it starts with the leader. Loyal comes from the old french word loyal which means something like legal but if someone is only loyal to you because  the law requires him to be that's not true loyalty, which should come from the heart, not a contact.

Block 5: Cooperation "With all levels of your Co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."

Imagen relacionadaCooperation is a higher moral principle than competition. The cooperation is also one of most important things that we do. All the people need to collaborate in something. For example when you are in a team in your school or in any sports ect you need to collaborate with  them. If you don't put your cooperation maybe the team can lose or if don't turn the work that you need to do in your school to your team maybe they can get a bad grade. That's why we all need to put our cooperation in something.  The cooperation is also a effective action and creativity.  We all need to cooperate in something good. 

Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)

Resultado de imagen para ambitionThe ambition is a feeling or a desire to achieve goal. Usually that goal resolves around A person's definition of success or greatness . Also the ambition is the last refuge of  the failure. I believe we are most likely to succeed when ambition is focused on noble and worthy purposes and outcomes rather than on goals set out of selfishness.  If our ambition is to be highly publicized, receive a lot of 
recognition, attain a position of power or prestige, or make a lot of money, we do not have noble goals. If we are focused away from ourselves and on the team and others, we possess the noble goals. All our goals are like  dreams but with ambition. 

Block 7: Self-control '' Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

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Self- control is choosing to do what is right, when you feel that you are doing something wrong. Getting to the top and saying there something different tasks present unique and formidable changelle. To do either requires great self-control, This characteristic with This characteristic within the Pyramid of Success addresses the importance of controlling yourself in all areas - avoiding temptations, avoiding emotionalism, avoiding peaks and valleys of effort.I viewed Self-Control, both personal and by our team, as a sixth Bruin on the court during my years at UCLA. That invisible sixth player was as important as any of the visible players.I like to remind those under my supervision: "Control yourself so others won't have to do it for you." Ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations. 

Block 8: Alertness "Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

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Alertness being aware of people and circumstances so that i can have a right response to them. My favorite American hero is Abraham Lincoln. Abe had Alertness. Mr. Lincoln once said that he never met a person from whom he did not learn something although most of the time it was something not to do.There is activity going on around us at all times from which we can acquire knowledge if we have Alertness. Too often we get tunnel vision and don't see the full picture which precludes learning things that are available.Basketball is played as much between the ears - Alertness - as between the lines on the court. This is true in life and business. Alertness is that asset that keeps you awake and perceptive and increases Skill. 

Block 9: Initiative "Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."
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The initiative is the ability to propel life forward in purposeful directions. We need to have the ability to make our proper decisions because we need to be sure all the time when we are going to do something or when we thing in something. When we need to take a decision we start to be afraid because we do not know what to do or we start to be nervous , but we don't need to be afraid when we are going to take a decision because all the time is necessary to take one.

Block 10: Intentness ''Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."

Resultado de imagen para intentnessIntentness means that we need to stay in course,  be determined  and also be persistent. The place became full of a watchful intentness now for when others thinks sank blooding to sleep the heath appeared slowly to awake and listing, This means that we need to be carefully when we do something.  We need to be smarter and also when thwarted try again and harder.

Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)

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The sincerity is one of the most important things because we always need to be sincerity with the people an get the con fiance of them. Sincerity is not to say everything you think but to means everything you say. We need to always say the true and be sincerity because if we are sincerity all the time we can get more opportunities of jobs because you get the con fiance of your boss and maybe he give you a big job with major opportunities. We need to be sincerity is an open our heart.  The sincerity and the truth are the basics of every virtue.

Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)

Adaptability is being able to adjust to any situation at any time given.If you are in a difficult situation at school or at any place, and you do not what to do, you have to adjust to that situation and do something in order to solve it. We never know when a hard situation will arise in life, but we just need to be always prepared for it. Sometimes there's people that do not know how to face and act in a situation because they are never prepared or ready for that. For example if you have a presentation, and a member of you group does not want to come or for any situation is not able to present, you have to be adaptable and play by ear (improvise) to solve the problem, maybe you have to look for other alternatives for your presentation and that way get a good grade for your presentation. In any case or situation in life we have to know how to improvise, and not get in shocked

Block 13: Condition "Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."

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Consideration comes from the hard work during practice and proper mental and also moral conduct between practice. condition you must prepare mentally and show moral restraint. So it is with us – we have to nourish our bodies, our minds, and our souls to be at the top of our game. On the physical side, it’s a blend of proper rest with a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet. On the mental side, seek to learn at least one new thing every day. Also learn how to be mentally tough so you can withstand the inevitable ups and downs. Your condition depended on two things – how hard you work and how well you behaved when living in the outside world. You must condition into a new school or new job and do the things you need to do. If hard things come your way you must not give up. Keep on pushing through and you will make it far enough. 

Block 14: Skill ''A Knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail. "At the very center of the pyramid of success is skill. You have to know your stuff and that includes a mastery of details. This is true whether you're an athlete a surgeron or a CEO. You'd better able to execute properly and quickly and that requires skill. 

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Block 15: Team Spirit '' A genius consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

The team spirit are part of everyone's life. The team spirit is very important any field of life because it creates the utility in human beings to improve their work. 

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Block 16: Honesty (In thought and action) 
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)

Honesty is doing the things that we know are right and not giving into the temptation to do the things that we know are wrong. Honesty must occur at all the times, in both through and action. If we are honest, our integrity will not allow us to compromise ever. A dishonest act is an attempt to deceive someone. Dishonesty no matter the reason destroys our credibility ruins our reputation and costs us our self-respect.

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Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment"Make the most out of what you have." (Anonymous)

"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it
(Jennifer Witterick)
Resourcefulness is the ability and the creativity to overcome difficulties no matter what.  This means that we need to stay where you are. 
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Block 18: Poise '' Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."

Poise don't pretend to be what you are not. Don't get rattled, thrown off or balanced regardless of the circumstance or situation. Leaders with poise do not panic.

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Block 19: Confidence "Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in "The Carolina Way"

There is no stronger steel that well founded belief in yourself the knowledge that your preparation is fully complete and that you ready for the competition. Confidence cannot be grafted on artificially. True abiding confidence is earned through tenaciously pursuing and attaining those assets that is excellence. You must monitor confidence because it can easily turn into arrogance which then can lead to the mistaken and destructive belief that previous achievement will be repeated without the same hard effort that brought it about in the first place.
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Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)
Reliability means a specification can be depended on to be accuracy. For example maybe helicopter could have gone in  directions, but for detailed reasons of control and reliability that did't work out. Reliability is a property of any measurement tool test or sometimes of a whole experiment. Another example of that is that it is that you can might try to weight a bowl of flour on a kitchen scale.

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Block:21 Fight (determined effort)

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. The phrase was commonly used in the both UK and the USA in the 19 century when toe using it would have been wen versed in biblical texts. In November 1843, the Gettysburg newspaper the republican compiler printed what it claimed to be a verbatim report a speech made of republican forces by the reverend Job Proust on the eve of the battle of brandy-wine. Soldiers in the morning go forth to battle and fight. Today few people could quote the original form the Bible. We know the hen best because the hymn fight the good fight with an thy might words and music by John S.B Mon sell and William Boyd, 1863.

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Block:22  Competitive Greatness "Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

Competitive greatness is the ability to be beat at your best when your best is needed. We all should do our best in whatever aspect of life, but when our best is needed, that is the perfect moment when your best should showed. Competitive greatness is not about winning or losing, but doing the best of ourselves, it is also having a real love for hard battles. That means not being scared of failure, and loving challenge in life. Remember challenge is the best way to learn how to master something, and besides the enjoyment you feel is incomparable. 

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Block:23 Integrity (purity of intention)

Integrity in its simplest form is purity intention. It's keeping a clean conscience. But it is also a composite of some of the other mortar qualities in the pyramid.  To some extent, integrity contains a bit of reliability, a healthy helping of honest and a portion of sincerity. However, I believe that the component of purity of intention is important enough to give integrity the status of mortar in its own right.

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Block:24 Faith (through prayer) 

Believe and Achieve. Positive belief. The mortar on the left side of the pyramid made up of ambition, adaptability, resourcefulness, fight and faith. The mortar on the right side is sincerely, honesty, reliability, integrity and patience. Coach Wooden explained his strategic placement of faith and patience by describing how they are leading up from competitive greatness to the to, success according to my definition at the apex. On one side, I have patience, and on the other side, I have faith. You need those things. More than once coach said that faith and patience could have been placed at the very top or the very bottom of the pyramid. ''Distrust begets distrust; it takes trust, faith and patience to acquire peace of mind".

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Block: 25  Patience (good things take time)
(Good things take time), Coach Wooden explained the importance of patience this way; from this last block, competitive greatness, leading up to the apex on which success rest, according to my definition, on one side I have patience as a trait that is essential in achieving , success. "Good things take time," he explained, He was quick to acknowledge the rarely want to wait for the necessary progress to reach the end result. This patience is something that is often tempered by maturity and wisdom. Also we forget that there is no progress without change, but not all change is progress. 
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                                    Final Reflection

My thoughts on the pyramid of success what that these 25 blocks would be helpful for other people including me I would share this with my other family members as well. The block that I will liked would be Competitive Greatness because I'm athlete myself I want to compete and win doesn't matter if I win or not i would playing. Another block that I liked would be Honesty because honesty is one of the most important in this world. Honesty is doing the things that we know are right and not giving into the temptation to do the things that we know are wrong. This two blocks show me that in this world we need to have a little bit of all this pyramid success. Other block that also is important is Ambition. Ambition means having a big and a strong desire to achieve a goal in life. We all should be ambitious when it comes to goals life, because a goal is what makes us improve not only as a workers but also as a human. The last manner in this pyramid that I want to mention is intentness, this means being hardworking, ambitious but also persistent. Loyalty is also including in this pyramid of teachers and family.

Image result for pyramid of success explainedImage result for pyramid of success explained      

Class evaluation

                                    Class Evaluation 1. The things that I like about this class is that we write about our goals, w...